ICD9 Codes of Interest
to a Neurologist

dx code
polio, sequelae/residual 138
malignant neoplasm of brain, frontal lobe 191.1
malignant neoplasm of brain, temporal lobe 191.2
malignant neoplasm of brain, parietal lobe 191.3
malignant neoplasm of brain, occipital lobe 191.4
malignant neoplasm of brain, brainstem 191.7
diabetes mellitus 250.6
vascular dementia 290.4
Tourette's syndrome 307.23
headache, tension 307.81
transverse myelitis 323.9
Alzheimer's disease 331.0
frontotemporal dementia 331.1
dementia with Lewy bodies 331.82
dementia with parkinsonism 331.82
parkinsons disease 332.0
parkinsons disease due to medications 332.1
essential/familial tremor 333.1
Huntington's chorea 333.4
Friedreichs ataxia 334.0
Werdnig-Hoffman/infantile spinal muscular atrophy 335.0
Kugelberg-Welander/juvenile spinal muscular atrophy 335.11
spinal muscular atrophy type 3 335.11
adult-onset spinal muscular atrophy 335.19
als - motor neuron disease 335.2
primary lateral sclerosis 335.24
spinal cord hemorrhage 336.1
multiple sclerosis 340
flaccid hemiplegia, dominant 342.01
flaccid hemiplegia, nondominant 342.02
spastic hemiplegia, dominant 342.11
spastic hemiplegia, nondominant 342.12
hemiparesis 342.9
quadriplegia C1-C4 complete 344.01
quadriplegia C1-C4 incomplete 344.02
quadriplegia C5-C7 complete 344.03
quadriplegia C5-C7 incomplete 344.04
paraplegia 344.1
diplegia 344.2
locked-in state 344.81
generalized nonconvulsive epilepsy 345.0
generalized convulsive epilepsy 345.1
petit mal status 345.2
grand mal status 345.3
partial epilepsy with impairment of consciousness 345.4
partial epilepsy without mention of impairment of consc. 345.5
infantile spasms 345.6
epilepsia partialis continua 345.7
epilepsy: cursive or gelastic 345.8
headache, common migraine 346.1
headache, cluster 346.2
headache, migraine hemiplegic 346.8
headache, migraine 346.9
narcolepsy without cataplexy 347.00
narcolepsy with cataplexy 347.01
anoxic brain damage 348.1
pseudotumor cerebri 348.2
metabolic encephalopathy 348.31
headache, LP-induced 349.0
toxic encephalopathy 349.82
trigeminal neuralgia 350.1
atypical facial pain 350.2
Bell's palsy 351.0
glossopharyngeal neuralgia 352.1
plexopathy, brachial 353.0
plexopathy, lumbar 353.1
carpal tunnel syndrome 354.0
tardy ulnar palsy/cubital tunnel syndrome 354.2
radial neuropathy 354.3
mononeuritis multiplex 354.5
sciatic neuropathy 355.0
meralgia paresthetica 355.1
tarsal tunnel syndrome 355.5
Dejerine-Sottas disease (HSMN III) 356.0
HSMN I & II 356.1
Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease 356.1
idiopathic progressive polyneuropathy 356.4
dx code
AIDP (Guillain-Barré syndrome) 357.0
Guillain-Barré syndrome 357.0
diabetic polyneuropathy (DM - 250.6) 357.2
alcoholic polyneuropathy 357.5
polyneuropathy due to drugs (+E code) 357.6
CIDP 357.81
critical illness polyneuropathy 357.82
acute motor neuropathy 357.82
myasthenia gravis 358.0
diabetic amyotrophy (DM 250.6) 358.1
myasthenic syndrome (+ underlying cause code) 358.1
congenital muscular dystrophy 359.0
distal myopathy 359.1
Becker dystrophy 359.1
FSH dystrophy 359.1
Limb-girdle dystrophy 359.1
Duchenne dystrophy 359.1
Myotonic dystrophy 359.2
familial periodic paralysis 359.3
endocrine myopathy (+ underlying disease code) 359.5
myopathy (including IBM) 359.9
stroke, subarachnoid hemorrhage 430
stroke, cerebral hemorrhage (any location as long as known) 431
subdural hematoma, nontraumatic 432.1
stroke, occlusion of basilar artery with infarction 433.01
stroke, occlusion of carotid artery with infarction 433.11
stroke, occlusion of vertebral artery with infarction 433.21
stroke, occlusion of multiple and bilateral arteries with infarction 433.31
stroke, cerebral thrombosis with infarction 434.01
stroke, cerebral embolism with infarction 434.11
stroke, cerebral artery occlusion, unspecified with infarction 434.91
TIA 435
TIA, basilar artery syndrome 435.0
TIA, vertebral artery syndrome 435.1
TIA, subclavian steal syndrome 435.2
TIA, verterbrobasilar artery syndrome 435.3
TIA, other specified transient cerebral ischemias 435.8
TIA, unspecified transient cerebral ischemia 435.9
stroke, cerebral infarction 436
hypertensive encephalopathy 437.2
cerebral aneurysm, nonruptured 437.3
cerebral arteritis 437.4
Moyamoya disease 437.5
transient global amnesia 437.7
dermatomyositis 710.3
polymyositis 710.4
rheumatoid arthritis 714
immobilization syndrome 718.55
thr - total hip replacement 719.45
tkr - total knee replacement 719.46
cervical spinal stenosis 723
thoracic spinal stenosis 724.01
lumbar spinal stenosis 724.02
low back pain 724.2
fx vertebra, pathologic 733.13
fx of hip, pathologic 733.14
headache, vascular (not migraine) 784.0
thoracic spinal fracture, no sp cord inj 805.2
fx of pelvis 808.8
fx of humerus 812
fx of hip 820.8
fx femur, lower end 821.22
traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage 852.0
subdural hematoma, traumatic 853
facial laceration without skull fx 873.0
bka - below knee amputation 897
aka - above knee amputation 897.2
orthotic training V57.81
multiple training or therapy V57.89
convalescence following surgery V66.0
convalescence following treatment of fracture V66.4
sleep deprivation V69.4

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